"Hello, I'm Jon Lovitz, and I'm having lunch in the Russian Tea Room with the most beautiful woman in the world - Paulina! Well, we can't all be me. But if you'd like to fulfill your dream like I did, then I have one piece of advice for you - Get To Know Me! When did I chip my tooth? Why do I drain my foot? Where is my extra bone? Get To Know Me!" - Jon Lovitz on SNL
So after being tagged by Adam, I've given it some thought. Here are 5 things about me!
I auditioned for lead singer in a rock band once. I had to sing Alice Cooper's "School's Out" with the band. I roughly knew the lyrics but spent a few days nailing them down to the CD. Of course, during the tryout my mind went blank initially, but I recovered after and was able to sing with the band. I flamed out. They recorded it and played it back. I was awful. Thank God Simon and Randy weren't there with the TV crew. The band was cool about it, though. The best compliment was "Believe me, I've heard worse, dude."
- As a teen, my first two jobs were in the fast food industry. The most important life lesson from those jobs was to "clean as you go." But you know, that wasn't the fun part. There's a line in the movie "American Beauty" where Kevin Spacey's character says, "When I was your age, I flipped burgers all summer just to be able to buy an eight-track. ...actually it was great. All I did was party and get laid. I had my whole life ahead of me." Yeah, those were the days. And what better memories are there then making out with coworkers in the walk-in 'fridge and hooking up and partying after the late shift?
I wasn't always vegetarian. Well into the adult years, I wouldn't even eat a veggie, except for potato chips or french fries. My diet was centered around meat, cheese and bread. I have always been somewhat of a workout hound, even when I was heavy, but the weight came on no matter how much I worked out. I realized I had to make some dietary changes. I switched to a low-fat vegan diet and forced myself to eat veggies. Seriously, I hated veggies. I put lots of salsa or teriyaki sauce on them to gag 'em down. Over time, I learned to like some (broccoli) and focused on the ones I liked over some sort of whole grains. I lost 60 pounds over 5 months. I'm currently 5' 9" and weigh 155. I'm not as strict about the diet now, and do eat chicken or fish once a week or so.
- I've lived my whole life in California. Living for a time in Redding, various places in SoCal, and most recently in various areas near Sacramento. Sacramento is a great blend of country living like in Redding and city living down in SoCal. I like being within an hour or so of SF and the mountains. I would say that "home" to me is SoCal. Someday, I'll go back.
As much as I blog about television, you'd think that it's been a major part of my life. That is certainly true now. But there was a period where I couldn't even tell you what the popular TV series were. Other than a sports game now and then or a late night Saturday Night Live, I didn't watch much. I was out at the gym or cycling in the evenings after work, and would head out with friends afterwards. I missed the first five years of Seinfeld. I remember a first date where a girl said at dinner, "That sounds like something from Seinfeld." I'm like, "From what?" I knew nothing about it. Needless to say, that relationship didn't work out.