Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Contrarian Stuff

Mark Hulbert looks at the contrarian signs and says it looks bullish.

I can't help but think I'm not the only one who thinks that the end of quarter and month are going to keep sellers hard-pressed to move the market down much. Then October hits and then earnings where it could be a bit dicey. Especially after this huge move in September.

Bit Hulbert notes the skepticism by folks in his column at CBS Marketwatch.

I still think a pullback is coming. As does everyone else apparently. So it will either be a self-fulfilling prophecy or the market will climb the wall of worry.

I remain 100% invested.

Another hot day in CA. We used to call this Indian Summer. Now I guess it's just global warming or climate change or climate disruption. Whichever, it means pool time...

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