Here is an update on how the Fox Business Block gurus are doing year to date compared to the indices (excluding dividends). This return is based on investing $1000 per weekly stock pick at the closing price Friday night.
Rich Karlgard has also made just one pick, INTC (Intel). This should be interesting this week as the company reports earnings on Tuesday. Semiconductors had a bad week!
It doesn't surprise me to see Gary B. Smith and Gary Kaltbaum near the top of the list. I've often thought that those two seem to be the most consistent. Maybe this kind of study is confirming my gut feeling.
Ben Stein and Adam Lashinsky "tend to" (but not always) pick diversified index ETFs, large mutual funds, or Berkshire. It doesn't surprise me to see their results close to the SP500, but underperform due to expenses and fees of their holdings.
Charles Payne "tends to" pick volatile stocks. As the market trends strongly in one direction or another, his picks have a little extra beta to the upside or downside.
At some point, I will go over each guru's best and worst picks. Maybe during a lopsided Thursday Night Football game. (As if we haven't had enough of those...)