Thursday, July 07, 2005



* Maybe 8 years ago, I worked at a place with a woman and when I first saw her, I think Cupid nailed me with an arrow.

* As the days and weeks went by, I made every excuse I could to meander to her office and ask her dumb questions about work or "seems hot in here today" or whatever. Little chit chat.

* Soon, she came and asked me if I wanted to join "the gang" for lunch. This happened for a week or so, and then she removed herself from the group and it was me and her, mano a womano.

* I was in a relationship at the time. She had a fiance. Nothing ever happened but lunches, but we were kind of flirting and into each other. You can always tell when you notice the little things about her, and she notices the little things about you. I remember her telling me about her childhood, and she looked at me and blushed.

* I went to another job. She got married. We still met for lunch, but that soon died down. I think it was right after she invited me over to her house when her husband was out of town, and I went over. There was a moment where we were looking at each other, and that was it; either we were going to do something or we weren't. I think we both knew it was decision time. We decided not to. There is a little more to this story at the house, but we decided not to. Only another lunch or two happened after that. She had 2 kids and moved back to the East Coast. I met her husband at one of the baby showers, and decided I was glad nothing ever happened.

* I sent her an email now and then. Sometimes she replied, usually not. And she hasn't for a long time. Years. I quit sending them. Didn't want to be a stalker.

* The last few nights, I've had really vivid dreams about her and her husband. I hadn't even thought of her for awhile, but I couldn't shake these dreams. They were kind of strange dreams. I wondered if everything was ok, and I sent an email saying "Still there?" And that was it.

* She replied. Wrote a paragraph. I replied. She replied. I replied. She replied. I replied. She replied. Etc. We fired off a bunch of emails to each other yesterday, and caught up for the last few years. Turns out, there is quite a bit of strife and conflict in her life right now.

* I believe there is something more to life than the physical world, and who knows if the vivid dreams were just coincidence or if there was something in her reaching out that connected with me. In any case, by the end of our exchanges yesterday, she was joking and I could tell she was smiling behind her computer. I didn't have another dream last night, so maybe whatever was supposed to happen did.

That's it. Very rarely in life do I meet a woman that creates such a deep emotional reaction inside of me. Sometimes I wonder if I have any feelings at all, then WHAM! Something like this happens to remind me that I do.

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