- I just read Barry Ritholz blog entry Stock Traders Almanac 40th Anniversary Edition. "A few of you have written sending word of the dedication in this year's Stock Traders Almanac 40th Anniversary. I was tremendously humbled to have it dedicated to me." First of all, congratulations to Barry! What a great honor from a great book. Second, I'd like to join in and dedicate this blog entry to Barry Ritholz.
- Look at the SMH since the peak in October. Higher volume down days. Lower volume up days. Just saying. How is the market as a whole going to move on without the semis? Look at the QQQQ. Similar? Eh, sorta but not as dramatic. The leaders of this move up could be Google and Apple. How are the leaders doing? Chart on GOOG. Chart on AAPL. They don't look horrible at this point. Still. I dunno. Something to watch. Check out what Alphatrends has to say on the QQQQ trendline. He's a technical dude with a video!
- GOP frustrated that voters are focusing on the guns and not the butter. Lets face it, the GOP has done a horrible job in selling the strong economy. Almost as if the Republicans are in self-destruct mode. Perhaps that's just what happens after a long time in office.

- Hot pants and miniskirts will soon be legal in South Korea! Now if that doesn't excite the Republican base for tuesday's election, what will? (Oh wait, don't answer that question!) I'm not sure why the story had the picture of the bikinis, either. Not really related, but maybe it was the only South Korean model shoot on file.
- Byrne asks "Whatever happened to the Five Dumbest?"
- Jason's sell signal is still on at The Trend.
- I have a couple editions of The Stock Traders Almanac. It's been awhile since I've bought one, though. Now I'm going to search for them and read the dedications.
- I added some widgets from MyBlogLog to the right. I like the recent readers widget. Join up, and visit my page!
- Dr. Brett has a new book. Enhancing Trader Performance. I don't know who he dedicated it to, but I'm going to add the book to my Amazon shopping cart.