- Watch the Fox Business Block this morning? Some UN bashing, Hillary bashing, sub-prime bashing (and real estate trashing or soft landing), Congress fiddling and doing nothing while avoiding real issues like Social Security, Medicare, etc. What? No talk of Wal-mart this week, folks? Gary B Smith noted that he thinks we're going to 11K on the DOW. But most others seemed rather bullish.
- Me? No change. I've been of the same opinion since early December. No sense to take much risk. Letting things play out. Just an intermediate time frame. I know others are more in-and-out than me. And I'm still dabbling in mo-mo stocks, although with mixed results here.
Cramer in Crisis at the Madd Money Machine. Cramer in Crisis. Did he manipulate stocks to his advantage while at his hedge fund. You decide. My thoughts? Is anyone surprised? Does this news shock anyone?
- How come the white guys get the Asian girls? Watch a funny video called Yellow Fever. And watch until the end for the "surprise" ending. LOL.
- I'm on track to win the March Madness pool at the office.
- Looking for radio stations streaming over the web? Here they are. This is really handy for us PDA and Smartphone owners who want to stream whatever wherever.
- Sky News is an interesting UK site on news. Has a web feed, of course.
- Barry has your saturday cartoons.
- Catch Adam's Randoms yesterday?
- I
know Larry (KLo) seems to be always bullish all the time. Or maybe just when Republicans are in control. Anyways, he has a column up called Bull Run talking about the market being up 3.5% last week, the best week in four years. "That's right, four years," says Larry. His view on the sub-prime impact, which I agree with. I do think it is factored in at this point. Larry adds, "Several new studies have been recently published that show delinquent and late-pay mortgages to be only a small fraction of overall home loans. Thirty-five percent of all homeowners don't even have a mortgage. More than 86% of sub-prime borrowers are not late payers, and over 95% are not in foreclosure."
- Mark Hulbert on the "Nine to one up day" last wednesday. ...Wednesday's stock market action was so strong that it triggered a rare technical signal that, far more often than not in the past, has heralded higher stock prices over the subsequent several months.
- Enjoy the weekend!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Yellow Fever!
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