Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Age of Love

  • Yes, the stock market is crashing this morning.  More on that later.  Lets see if the dipsters are still around or if the summer swoon is on.  We had the down day friday.  Yesterday was a victory for the bears as the market couldn't sustain the mid-day highs.  And today we're lower big early.  Be careful.
  • I've missed the Age of Love this summer TV season.  Another match-making "reality" show where 30-year old mark has to choose between a 20-something or 40-something.  I've missed the show up until last night's 2-hours.  I agree with his decision to dump the deceiving and manipulative Jayanna.  Blech.  She's a mortgage loan officer.  I wonder if she still is?
  • Who is left and what should he do?  I think it depends on what Mark is looking for.  If I were a 30-year old man, here's how I would play it. (And I'm not 30 anymore.  I'm 43).
  • For a few weekends of drunk sex and trips to amusement parks, I'd pick the 21-year old Megan.  It'd get old quick, but it'd make for some great memories.  You could still get away with giving her a stuffed animal as a gift.  LOL.  She's too young for anything serious.  She's still in college and learning about who she is.  The benefit of hanging out with her for a few weekends is that you might also meet some of her young friends, who you could hook up with later.
  • For the hot passionate affair that lasts for a year or two, you have to hook up with one of the 40+ woman.  He'd benefit from the experience they bring to the table.  I'd pick Jen here.  She likes younger guys according to her bio.  So she'd be revved up.  She's a logical, analytical type. level-headed, and go with the flow type (from the few minutes I saw on TV), so that'd be my preference over the other one.  Plus, she works for the Lakers so there's the possibility of game tickets here!
  • (The other 40+ woman,  Maria?  She's also probably make for great sex.  But she seems the type who is always talking about how things make her feel.  She reminds me of an ex-girlfriend.  She drove me nuts.  The sex was great, but after a few months of always talking about how things made her feel, I had to get out.  That "put your hand on my heart and look in my eyes" stuff has its place, but not 24x7 week in and week out.  You want to invite the guys over to drink beer and watch football?  Better watch out, sunday is probably "her day" and you're affecting her feelings.  If you read her bio, did you see how she says that she can be aggressive in relationships?  Yeah, psycho.  No thanks.  Been there.  Done that.  So the alarm bells were ringing in my head watching her interact with people last night.)
  • If Mark wants to get married, he has to go for Amanda.  She's 27, so they are close in age and experience.  I haven't seen enough to see if they have chemistry, but on paper she's the winner here.  She went into his tent last night, because she didn't have the chance to talk with him.  I think that was a smart play by her.