Sunday night? Where did the time go? Oh, sucked into the Wii vortex! I've been casually shopping for the Nintendo Wii the past couple of months. Finaly found a store that had a few in stock friday and snapped one up along with a few games. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Pricess and Tiger Woods golf. (Along with the Wii Sports and Wii Play). I can see why the Wii has been more popular than the Sony Playstation 3. It's a lot of fun. More on the Wii later, and of course I do have a personalized Mii.
- So this morning I turned on ESPN and there were women playing pool (none pictured).
- Ah, the market. Uh. Well thursday saw a selloff which some were thinking might be a deja vu from last year. Last year saw the market top in May and correct for a couple of months. Friday's recovery did come on lighter volume, so we'll have to see if we get any kind of "IBD follow through" over the next week. As for me, I still remain with low beta stocks, cash, a little QID and some mo-mo stocks. But, I have reduced many of my mo-mo holdings this week and added to the cash position.
- Wallstrip on market seasonality (sell in May...). JMHO, of course, but looks like we had a seasonal top hit on thursday for those watching for a Spring MACD crossover (ahem, Sy Harding). I know, market timing based on a calendar in and of itself is a blinders-on approach. But when the market has rallied for so long and divergences start to appear, then booking gains in the Spring might be a good idea. Worked last year. Of course, the seasonal buy in Fall didn't. YOU MEAN I HAVE TO GET THE SELL SIGNAL AND THE BUY SIGNAL RIGHT? Well...
- On the Miami Dolphins top draft pick WR from Ohio State: Ted Ginn's pretty funny. I asked him why he has his name: T. Ginn Jr. - tattooed on his back and he replied: "In case I forget my ID.'' (Less funny if you're top draft pick is wearing a boot, though).
- Why US stocks can move much higher, from Dr. Jeff. It is our conclusion that stocks can move much higher during 2007. This is no surprise to regular readers of "A Dash", but it is a good time to summarize the current situation. We will do this in a multi-part series examining several issues. There you go. Interesting thoughts. Regarding his comments on the psychology of the market, I think he's dead on. There are a lot of folks, including me, watching for a correction THAT NEVER COMES!
- Liberal Larry says Bush steals the French Elections: I return from my annual Yoga Redeployment to find the world crumbling all around me. The Shrub, it seems, has been as busy as a fascist beaver. California is burning, thanks to his refusal to ratify Kyoto. 10,000 inner-city blacks are dead in Kansas because of his illegal and immoral war in Iraq. Bush’s Fascist Bureau of Ethnic Cleansing is rounding up former Yugoslavian terrorists in New Jersey (what part of the word “former” doesn’t that stupid Chimp understand?), and to top it all off, my beloved France has now fallen under the jackboot of U.S. hegemony.
- Oh, hat tip to Adam for the "none pictured" quip.
- I'm not sure where I finished in the CNBC stock gambling contest. I didn't re-register for the 2nd Chance contest. Last I checked I had SINA, and was in the top 11%.
- Work was overwhelming in the last half of the week.
- Barry with some links and a look ahead to next week.
- Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Nintendo Wii (and Jeanette Lee!)
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