Ah, another monday night and another Dancing With the Stars. This show has been yet another ratings hit. You know, I have yet to cast a vote in this one.
- A closer look at BRIC ETFs (via a link to CBS Marketwatch) at Seeking Alpha. My thoughts are that if anyone is looking for a correction in the US markets, I'd think these BRIC stocks would be a little more volatile.
- The Fly on Wall Street does not sound bearish in any sense of the word. On days like this, I am far too busy raising new money for my favorite positions. I'll have you know, "The Fly" is highly caffeinated and unafraid of beartards.
- Contrarians still smiling, from Mark Hulbert. The sentiment picture continues to be one that contrarians interpret bullishly. Contrarians, of course, believe the market rarely accommodates the majority. Warning signs of an imminent stock market top would not only be a large number of bulls, but also bullish opinions that are held stubbornly in the face of any market correction. Neither of these warnings signs exists today. There you have it. Too many bears.
- And Larry has a picture up of the latest blogger sentiment poll (from Tickersense) showing all of us who have responded as bears in the poll, and more....
Internet Could Help Encourage Exercise. Yes, nothing like parking my butt in a chair for 10 hours a day to get that heart rate up. People who spend their days in front of a computer may want to check out some fitness-related Web sites, according to a study published Monday. Hey! Let me put on my reading sneakers!
- Even if you don't have a Nintendo Wii, you can still make your Mii via this Mii Editor.
- From Paul Kedrosky at Infectious Greed, energy links! Solar, oil depletion, cheap gas bad for America, etc...
- Ah, where is my search engine protocol? Carrie Ann Inaba, panties, bikini, naked, smoking, topless.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Randoms (and Carrie Ann Inaba!)
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