Monday, June 21, 2010

Lost - In a Nutshell

This blog kept me entertained during the final season of Lost.  Maybe more than the show itself (-nah).  Here is an answer to a Q&A that made me laugh today, on the first day of Summer.  This blogger had not watched any seasons of Lost prior to the last season.

Q: It could be funny to read what you think the other seasons might have been like (plot points etc).

A: Full disclosure, I had watched the above video about unanswered questions and since watching the finale had found out that they left and came back.  This is pretty similar to my answer when first asked a while ago though.

  • Season 1: They crash. It's about being stranded and making friends. They most likely start pairing up into boyfriend/girlfriend couples a la Saved by the Bell.
  • Season 2: Crazy stuff is going on on the island.  They're all like "whaaaaaaa?"
  • Season 3: Crazy stuff reaches a peak and they all think "we need to get out of here" because they are in danger from the Sad Day Monster and other crashed people. Ends with them leaving the island.
  • Season 4: They're off the island.  They feel weird without the island in their lives.  They probably realized that they left a remote tropical island full of supplies to go back to working full time jobs and it was a poor choice.
  • Season 5: They go back to the island to set up the final conflict.  We opened the last season with Team Jacob and Team Jack, this was when they were formed. Also, they decided to set off a nuke.
  • Season 6: The end.

Never Seen Lost

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