Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stocks Pause..,

Stocks close lowerOne day it's $GOOG or $CSCO, or an after hours pop by $AAPL, then it's "Hmm, what about the debt?"

It is hard to dismiss the good news from tech companies. This is supposed to be the bad earnings quarter for tech, right? So far tech has been good enough to outshine the worries of the world. If only for a day.

Then the reason du jour hits that the US debt ceiling issue hasn't been resolved and European countries are wallowing in their own debt crisis. Reality hits. Is it all sustainable?

Maybe it would be if the Dow ripped 200 points a day! Of course, that in and of it self never lasts, either.

No moves for me today. Watching with cash, low beta stuff and some oil.

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