Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Brett Favre for Federal Reserve Chairman!

  • The true measure of whether or not a vacation was long enough is if you can remember your passwords when you come back to the office. Unfortunately, I could.  It wasn't a long enough break!
  • Well, whenever I've been unfocused from the markets for a bit, I like to tune into a few radio shows to listen to the money topics du jour.  Gary Kaltbaum is convinced we're in a bear market and likely to see lows at twice the damage we have already.  Bob Brinker calls this a correction and thinks the Fed was asleep at the switch last year, but will cut rates again.  Everyone is reporting that Warren Buffet believes we're in a recession.
  • OK.  Enough with the "idol" speculation.  I'm still bullish and believe that we're continuing to trade in the correction channel.  I like the low volume down here, and hopefully we're basing for a move back up.
  • Blu-ray won the HD format wars, so who out there is buying a Playstation 3?  Just an idea. 
  • Brett Favre retiring! Hey Brett, your thoughts on interest rates...?

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