- Well, we did sell off into the close. And easy to guess that the banking stuff carries the day. US home prices falling, folks upside down in their mortgages, etc. And it continues.
- Maybe we all just thought it was normal for people who made $30,000 a year to buy $500,000 homes. Turns out not to be the case. There were, uh, reprecussions to this "all in" Texas Hold'em real estate market.
- Anyways... There is some market seasonality stuff to pay attention to, but not sure it will apply in our Financial Armageddon. First, we have the options week expiration. Next, is the Seasons in the Sun model which sells in the Spring and buys in the Fall. Maybe the latter is setting up this year. Hasn't been a great performer recently, though.
- So I'm trying these Tofurkey slices in a sandwich for lunch. Kind of a strange aftertaste. I think I may have eaten my last Tofurkey sandwich! Bleh.