Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Melissa Lee or Sarah Palin?

  • I'm not a follower of fashion, but something about this picture of Melissa Lee today seems quite trendy since the past week or so. 
  • It's the glasses!  It's the biggest women's fashion trend to hit since wearing the bra on the outside of the shirt!  Sarah Palin rockin' the fashion mojo.
  • I'll never understand TV.  Journeyman gets cancelled after 13 weeks, yet Happy Hour on the Fox Business Network goes on and on, day after day, week after week.  Oh, and year after year. 
  • I fell asleep after typing in "week after week," and when my head slammed into my monitor, I was able to regain consciousness and finish my thought.
  • Nothing against Rebecca Gomez' legs or anything.
  • Market caught a case of the buzz kill heading into the close. Hey, it finished up a little.  I guess we have that.
  • I'm still 100% long and riding the trendless back and forth action.  Anyone have motion sickness pills handy?