Al Gore and Abby Joseph Cohen discussing the economy?
Whatever they conclude, I want to fade that 'til the cows come home. Global warming is so 1990's, since the Earth may now be cooling. And Abby's record? Read on.
I want to thank Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis for the linkage. Back in 2006, I fell out of bed during a CNBC interview with Abby Joseph Cohen. (You know, that was a poorly constructed sentence.) Anyways, it prompted me to do some internet digging to find the history of Abby's calls, and I blogged SAY WHAT, Abby Joseph Cohen?
Just an update, I searched for Abby on Google today and found these:
==> 2008 was not the best year to be the most bullish. But did she, has she, stopped making forecasts?
==> Uh oh. What's the definition of "stop making forecasts?"
==> My math teacher used to say, "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades." That call would help in neither.
==> I think that's what we're hoping, right? Lets hope Abby is right this time.