Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Anybody But Scott

* The stock market? I think we're going higher. Following my red and green arrow trading system, I've been getting lots of green arrows (buy) lately. I'm just taking a diversified approach as always. No need to try and be a hero. Slow and steady. True, I've been bullish for a long time and fully invested through this latest pullback. Call me a broken record.

* The way American Idol has been going, Scott and Anthony will somehow escape elimination this week, and the one who has to go home will be either Bo, Carrie or The Vonz. I don't know who the crazy people are voting for Scott and Anthony, but for the first time ever, I voted last night. It took me about 40 minutes of redialing to get through, but I did it.

* Texas wants to ban cheerleaders from doing provocative dance moves, because it could lead to sex. (I think I'm having a Dirty Dancing Deja Vu.)

* The two best last night were Carrie and Bo. The competition should come down to between them. I think Carrie is the stronger pop-idol candidate. But both should have very successful careers.

* Doesn't everything lead to sex? Going without sex, leads to sex.

* I think $1.45 for a cup of drip coffee is getting a bit much. Some would say, "Dude, that's just inflation." Well, it would be if I had no alternative. So today, I made my own and brought it in.

* Texas would have to ban life altogether to try to avoid sex. It's a basic human drive. First we find food. Then we find shelter. Then, booty call!

* Will Tony Blair survive the election tomorrow?

* Bill Clinton heading up the cause to fight childhood obesity! No Happy Meals, kids.

* ABC's Primetime Live will have Fallen Idol tonight, a story about what is going on behind the scenes at American Idol. Yeah, I'll watch...

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