Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter Candy

  • Favorite Easter candy?  I don't think there is a bad choice, from bunnies to peeps to eggs...
  • I have to go with jelly beans.  I really love dark chocolate Easter bunnies, but something about jelly beans make them a favorite.  Probably goes back to something that happened to me as a kid that I can no longer remember, but shows up yearly as an affection for jelly beans.
  • One of my coworkers just told me she doesn't "celebrate" Easter.  At first I thought of the religious context, but then I thought of the fertility context.  I wonder what she really meant?  "No church" or "no wanton sex?" 
  • Isn't the American way to embrace all events and make them your own?  Any excuse for a get together?  Any excuse to overeat? 
  • Not a marshmallow peeps fan.
  • The foil wrapped eggs are more trouble than their worth.

  • Netflix flicks for the weekend...  Lord of War and Elizabethtown.  Yes, the latter is a chick flick, but I'm including a pic of Jessica Biel to justify my selection. (Hey, I sat through Stealth!)   What's not to like about chick flicks, anyways?  Usually some romance, some comedy, and a happy ending.
  • Ever notice that in a bowl of jelly beans, people tend to pick all the colors except for white and yellow?  Yup.  Those seem to be least liked. 
  • Lord of War?  It was on the top of my queue.  I have no idea what to expect.
  • I think folks go either way on the black jelly beans.  Either one loves them or hates them.  My grandfather would always pick out all the black jelly beans and say "You can have the other ones."

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