Friday, August 22, 2008

TGIF Market Thoughts

  • Well, the market continued it's back-and-forth ways today. Can't seem to make up its mind.  Plenty of reasons from day to day on what is causing the uncertainty.  Maybe just overall fear and skepticism on the economy.  But even that is peppered with an occassional outburst of optimism about where the country is headed.
  • I remain 100% long.  I suppose in the back of my mind somewhere is the worry about a late-Summer or early-Fall selloff.  We haven't seen much of the seasonal pattern in recent years, but something to be wary of.
  • The Black Box Jr. gave a buy signal on EEM last night, so I paper traded $20,000 worth in the Black Box Jr. portfolio.  The Long-Short model (QQQQ or PSQ) is still long QQQQ.  The system was on the verge of going bearish last night, but I'm sure today's action gives it some breathing room for another day (or so...).
  • Not sure I "get" the EEM buy.  Plenty of headwinds there.  But not questioning the model.  Just going with it.  The first two buys were IDU and IEO, and are up 2.39% and 3.97% so far.  IEO gave back a bunch today.
  • One thing I'll learn from paper trading the model, is getting a "feel" for how the model behaves.  This will help me with deciding when to take partial profits or losses, etc.

Oh, another of Moon Bloodgood. Yeow.