Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Investing, Upper Class-Style

Summer Asian bikini and a look at how Senators invest. $$

I don't think it's too revealing that our Senators achieve investment results that seem to parallel their political achievements. Both result sets seem to underperform common sense.

Okay, let's ignore politics. They do try to get money into their states.

But why do these (typically) well-educated leaders invest poorly?

I think it is because of emotions, the same reason most folks can't outperform an index fund. People tend to make decisions after the headlines are written. By the time the news is reporting the story, it's too late!

I watched Twilight New Moon via Netflix yesterday. Thought it was Boring. The first one was better. Why didn't Jacob just dump the vamp-loving Bella and move on? Who wants that drama? The movie went on and on. Anyway, I can't wait until the third installment hits Netflix, so I can see if Zombies are introduced into the plot line.

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