Monday, July 26, 2010

Ordered an iPhone 4

Maybe I'm an Apple fanboi after all. Ordered a new iPhone yesterday to cap off the vacation.

Do i care about antennagate? Nah I don't use my cell phone to make many calls. I use it mostly as a portable PC. Even when I am on the iPhone I don't hold it next to my head. I almost always use headphones. I won't be touching the antenna. But it's nice to know that if I want to immediately end a call, I have the ability to do that and blame Steve Jobs.


Back at the Fun Factory and trying to focus on work. All I can think about is bailing early and heading to the state fair.

The market on a nice roll. I'm not going to rule out a little selling heading our way to close out summer, but I think dips are buyable. The economy is mending just fine. Slower than we all want, but this means the Fed may not be aggressive in hiking rates back up.

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