The stock market acts well, but is it just a summer rally or a New Bull Market? That’s not today’s business, as today is the last day of July and I’m gearing up for a pool party. Beers are in the ice chest! Woot woot!
- Old debts that won’t die. An article about how companies and debt collectors are chasing folks trying to get cash. I don’t know about you, but my phone number must be very close to others and/or people who owe money are giving out fake numbers, which tend to be my number. I receive calls looking for Jayne, William, Walter, and Earnie every week. Once they remove me from their phone list, another few folks take their place. I’m thinking about just canceling the land line altogether.
- Make some popcorn, mine with extra butter, as the Hitler home movies get re-release!
- The double-dip recession didn’t happen. I didn’t think so. Slow growth isn’t the worst thing. It’d be better at 5% unemployment, though.
- Looking for underwater equity statistics?
- High-frequency programmers revolt over pay!
- Where does Syfy get the money for all its show projects? I’m a big fan of the network, but they do make some really bad made-for-TV movies. I’m looking at you, “Sharktopus.” (Not pictured, but it is at the link).
- Worried about the future of Social Security? Better prepare now! Another article about how Social Security may change going forward.
The program, which has its own dedicated stream of income, is projected to pay out more this year than it is taking in, but that is a function of the weak economy. Social Security will, according to the last annual report from its trustees, be able to pay full benefits through 2037. Then, if there are no changes in the program in the meantime, the taxes collected will be enough to pay out only about 75 percent of benefits through 2083.
- My thoughts are that there will be some change. I don’t know if they’ll means test it, reduce benefits or increase contribution rates. Maybe a combination of all three. I don’t see that happening in an election year, though!
- Hey, seven new scripted projects for Syfy channel! Now that may be popcorn worthy!