Is anyone actually planning on using their iPhone (not pictured) or just flipping them on EBAY?
- A Dallas woman hopes to cash in on EBAY: She showed up with over $16,000 and was hoping to buy all the iPhones at the store. Her plan was for a big payday by selling the iPhones on ebay. The video from Fox News. Good story, as the guy she paid got an extra $200 and got an iPhone anyways!
- This guy was #25 in line and trying to sell his not-yet-purchased iPhone for $60,100. “I am currently #25 in line at the APPLE STORE in CT and am going to buy an 8GB APPLE iphone. If payment is made tonight I gauranteed that I will ship it tomorrow morning!!! I will ship this as soon as payment is recieved FREE OVERNIGHT USPS." Listing was removed.
- Average price on EBAY is $800, but some for way more. There was two iPhone that sold for a whopping $10,000 another for $3,000 and a few in the $2,000 price range. There was a large number of Apple iPhones sold for $1,200. But it seems like the more iPhones are selling for the price around $800 today as the supply and demand are being balanced out.
- "I'm looking to double my money," says Alvaro Sanchez.
- Maybe the flippers are in trouble as Apple seems to have managed supply-demand, noted here in iPhone failing to attract a premium on EBAY.
- Alvinology with a screen-cap of the EBAY iPhone madness!
- HyperSensory notes that as of 9am PDT, 8000 iPhones had been resold on EBAY.
- Giolist wants to know why in "Blazes" would folks pay the premium on EBAY when there are still iPhones available in stores?
- The Morning After, from Reuters notes some more altruistic goals such as reselling the iPhone to raise money for kids in Africa with AIDS. But also notes that there are still iPhones in stores, then wonders if it's because of lower demand or if "Steve Jobs is a supply-chain genious."
- John Murch says there are plenty left in stores, and to avoid overpaying on EBAY.
- Yes, that is Jessica Alba. I am starting a policy that when I mention Jessica Alba, I do not mention naked, nude, topless, smoking, honey, fantastic four, dark angel, etc., in a shameless attempt to get search engine hits. I don't know if Jessica Alba has an iPhone and is trying to flip it on EBAY; or, if she waited in line for one. Maybe she wants broadband and is waiting for 2008? Why speculate? Who knows for sure? Jessica, what is your position on the iPhone?