Sunday, June 17, 2007

Is Paying Taxes Pleasurable?

Here's an interesting article saying that we like to pay taxes and that it has the same effect on us as sex.

(I don't know about you, but after I pay my taxes I always fall asleep.)

For a different view, check out Absurd "Study" Presented as Fact.
clipped from
Using brain-scanning technology, researchers have found an unlikely force at play in the minds of people paying taxes: Pleasure.
In their experiment, taxing people for a charitable cause activated the brain's reward centers — the same areas that respond to such sources of delight as food and sex.
The experiment helps explain the curious willingness of people to pay taxes, which has long puzzled economists. Given the low risks of getting audited, economic theories predict much greater rates of tax evasion than actually occur.
The competing view, known as "warm glow" altruism, holds that people give mostly for the ego-stroking feeling that their personal act of charity made someone else feel better.
Besides bringing new information to scientific debates, the researchers said the findings may help point the way to improving taxation systems.
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