Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Apple Hits and Misses

When folks think about Apple, they think iPod and iPhone. Maybe some think Mac.  But behind the big hits are some ideas that didn't work out. Apple's Most Notorious Flops

The Newton.  Pippin.  (Not Scottie, the video game machine!)  Etc.  Check the link for more Apple misses.  Kind of an entertaining stroll through AAPL.  In retrospect, it looks like they've had the right ideas along the way, but the technology wasn't quite there and the audience wasn't quite ready.  Now, we've arrived at the same place, together.

Of course, the iPhone is not a flop. AAPL is likely to capture even more market share with the low-price entry point of their new phone. The new capabilities of the phone may put some other companies at risk, too.  I think Blackberry and Nokia may be in trouble.  I also think with the iPhone GPS, Garmin may be in trouble.

Reading over the iPhone specs at Engadget, I think the thing that disappoints me is the lack of A2DP bluetooth.  That is, wireless stereo.  I don't like cords!  But a minor annoyance, as I rarely use my wireless headphones to listen to music on my existing HTC Touch phone.  (Battery charging is a drag, and my headphones always seem to be on their last leg of energy).

My current phone runs Windows Mobile 6. It's a powerful machine, and I love it. But yes, I do have to reboot frequently and the battery drain is incredible in daily use. I have a charger at home, at the office, and in my car. Always ready to rejuice! Windows Mobile is a bit clunky, and AAPL's iPhone OS works so much more smoothly. The User Interface is much more inpressive. Someone on one of the message boards said, "The only product Microsoft could make that wouldn't suck, is a vacuum cleaner!"

Disclosure:  Long AAPL.