Thursday, June 05, 2008

Post Game One Randomosity

  • OK.  Well.  Unfortunately, I stayed at the Fun Factory late and was watching the game on the gamecast ticker.  Came home around halftime.  I think the Celtics defense forced the Lakers into some low-percentage shots, and the Lakers had poor clock management.  Hopefully, the Lakers will figure out how to keep a lead on Sunday. 
  • Ah, the market.  Of course I'm a little concerned about seasonality, and that we're at the top of the trading range.   But I'm just bullish over all the pessimism.  I think with the campaign season heating up, there will be more pessimism in the headlines.  I'd love to see Wall Street scale that wall of worry.
  • Buy on the Dip has a Game One vid up in "The WEST is the BEST?" entry.  But I think during the regular season, the East had the strongest few teams, while the West was more balanced.  But I agree with his sentiment.  Go Lakers!  Scroll down and read the next few posts there for some individual stock stuff.
  • Government Conspiracies and Your Money, from Dr. Jeff.
  • Stock Chartist wonders, "Obama bull market?"
  • Be your own butcher and save!  From Wall Street Fighter.  You don't even have to stop at chicken. Get a huge frozen cow carcass and work it over like a punching bag for a few days. You saw Rocky, right?
  • And of course, a preview of Hillary's concession speech:   “No matter the outcome of the presidential race this November, the year 2008 is a watershed for Democrats. For the first time in the history of either party, a woman selflessly withdrew from a race she was winning to lend a merciful, helping hand to a young African-American in his time of need.