Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Distinguished Stock Market

  • In the "life imitates art" category, we flashback to a speech made in 1993 by Eddie Murphy in the movie "The Distinguished Gentleman." Murphy plays con man Thomas Jefferson Johnson and runs for Congress.  Does ths clip remind you of a Barack Obama speech?
  • But back in the "reality imitates fear" category, the stock market selling off heavy this morning.  The catalyst?  Bad attitudes!  A Prozac and an enema for everyone!
  • As everyone, even Yahoo Finance, is noticing, we're at levels not seen since March.  So I'm on the "retesting the lows" bandwagon.  But obviously, if we're looking for market divergences from the previous trip down here they will be hard to find.
  • The Black Box?  It was on buy signals last night for the emerging markets, financials, and Big Pharma.  It liked ETFs EEM, PPH and FXI. It also liked individual banks C and PNC.  Of course, those are all being torn to shreds this morning.
  • Watching, er, hoping, for a reversal.