Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Hollywood Romance

* Intel up! So, we're at the wednesday before options week. More often than not, it seems as if the market makes some sort of bottom towards the middle to end of this week, and rallies through options week. Lets hope so.

* Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt! Hard to believe that a Hollywood marriage didn't make it, eh? What are the odds of that?

* Larry Kudlow has a blog entry up on the tax reform possibilities Bush is looking at.

* I'm watching High School Reunion last night, and Nikol and Jim basically make me gag. Does that relationship seem forced or what? Their conversations are so bizarro.

* Maybe Brad Pitt will find himself a 19-yr old Korean sushi waitress. Maybe Nicolas Cage's wife has some friends she can hook Brad up with. On a blind date. Wouldn't that surprise the woman when they met for the first time? "Oh, Hi. My name is Brad. Nice to meet you."

* Arnold Schwarzenegger is probably a great negotiator. If you look at his hard-line proposals for California, obviously that's his opening bid. I'd expect the CA Democrats to respond with an equally ludicrous proposal. And then 3 or 4 months after the budget deadline, say in October, they'll reach some compromise that nobody really likes.

* I think it'd be good for the market if the Semiconductors rallied for awhile. Seems like they've been the laggard, and it's hard to imagine a technology rally that doesn't include semiconductors. On the otherhand, is anyone predicting the kind of market that we had last year, where the market just treaded sideways month after month for the majority of the year?

* The Sacramento Kings and Orlando Magic made a deal, Kings sending Christie to the Magic for Mobley and change. Kings win that trade by basically making a sideways move talent wise, but by buying 5 years, as Christie is 34 and Mobley is 29. Geoff Petrie is a smart guy. I suppose Magic fans can argue the minor differences about offensive talent versus defensive talent or whatever. But, they just got a guy on his downside, while the Kings got a guy in his prime. Good trade, Petrie.

* Iraqi elections coming up. Same day as the OPEC meeting I think. Stay tuned to your Google news page!

* I was channel surfing last night, and came across one of those Hollywood tabloid shows. They were interviewing other Hollywood personalities regarding the break-up of Jennifer and Brad. I had to watch. Everyone had an opinion.

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