Saturday, August 05, 2006

Keep it Simple Cease Fire Plan

  • Like every other obedient conservative lemming in the US, as soon as I woke up this morning I turned the TV on to Fox News.   The top story is that the US and France have come up with this cease-fire plan for Israel vs. Hezbollah.  It's two pages long.  Two whole pages?  I think it probably goes something like this, "Okay, here's the plan.  You stop shooting at those guys.  Those guys stop shooting at you.  Good plan, no?"  And then, depending on font size, margin width, and any header or footer, approximately 1.75 pages worth of credits and back slapping.  Oh, and lines for signatures.  
  • Thanks to Barry Ritholz for the mention in his Weekend Linkfest column over at!   In addition to contributing to, Barry also blogs at The Big Picture.  You probably already know that, though.
  • Back in June, I mentioned that I thought we were in a summer trading range and that I was increasing my long exposure (and beta) at what I thought was near the bottom of the trading range.  Take a look at a 3-month chart of the SP500.  There you go.  Sidewinder snake sideways.  Take a look at the Nasdaq over the same period.  Kind of what I'd expect, as the Nasdaq tends to overshoot on the upside and downside.  As the market has trended sideways, the pessimism and frustration grows among investors, too.  Take a look at the 50dma of the put-call ratio.  Gloom has been an uptrend from May-July. 
  • I think the trend is to crack down on online gambling.  Here's a story about online poker.
  • Looking for videos of The Man Show Boy
  • I've been playing with Moho and drawing cartoons and playing with animation. Just something to do while I'm waiting for the NFL season to start.  Very time consuming kind of thing.

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