Saturday, March 03, 2007

Diaper Change!

  • Need to change your diapers after this week in the market? I think many folks left friday with a diaper load of stocks that took a beating this week.  The market closed at the lows and the worry of a potential monday sell-off was making the rounds.
  • Watching the Fox Business Block this morning, it seems the popular opinion is that the correction is on.  Not too many predicting a bear market, rather a correction in a bull market.  Some were saying to buy now, some were saying to wait until it plays out.  The contrarian in me says that if folks are convinced this is just a correction, it may be a little bit uglier than I think. 
  • I remain with low beta stocks and some cash on the sidelines.  I continue to have my QID hedge.  I do still have a few short-term mo-mo stocks where the mo-mo has definitely gone in the diaper.  But until support is broken I'll give them a little more time in case a bounce comes.
  • It's a beautiful day here in Sacramento.  I see a long bike ride in my immediate future.  And the recent rain storms have let me procrastinate on the much-needed yardwork.  I may procrastinate for just one more day...
  • American Idol's Antonella Barba, the hot one, in a sex scandal of sorts.  Now I suppose many, including myself, will be dialing her number every week to keep her on American Idol as long as possible. LOL.

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