Bad news dog pile on the stock market today. Getting the blame? GE, banks, and consumer price and sentiment data. And $GOOG missed, so shares fell more than 6%.
- You think Google would be seeing brighter days with the success of the Android and the miscues by Apple. At least looking forward.
- (Although, while I have considered a Droid X or Incredible or whatever, I still will probably get an iPhone 4).
- Speaking of Apple, Steve Jobs announced that Apple was going to provide free cases to all iPhone 4 buyers to alleviate the antenna issue.
- Nasdaq down over 3%, for those keeping score at home.
- Good news for my state worker friends here in CA. The court has ruled against Arnold Schwarzenegger and for John Chiang, meaning no minimum wage for state workers. For now, anyway.
- In the movies, whenever Arnold has a setback, he usually comes back shooting.
- h/t to James Taranto’s Best of the Web at the WSJ for the link to The Root. Sophia Nelson asks, Should Black Folks Give the Tea Party a Second Look? Nice column. It’s nice to see someone with an open mind who doesn’t fall for political rhetoric. Taranto had an excerpt, but here’s another one:
But here is my concern: Black Americans for all intents and purposes are in an economic depression right now and have been since 2007, when the housing and economic crises first started to manifest. Yet we seem to be sitting passively by as the black middle class experiences the greatest loss of wealth ever. Folks, we need to be clear, with black male unemployment at 35 percent to 50 percent in some American cities (Great Depression levels) and sisters leading heads of household at alarming rates, we need to get aggressive about a black economic-empowerment agenda that should not be dependent solely on what the government can or cannot do for us.
- Well said.