Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Last Few Podcasts

The last three podcasts where I talk about China, Russia, Trump and my market thoughts. Available on iTunes (Muck), Audioboom, Spreaker and Soundcloud.

Market worried about China today... Dow 20,000 will have to wait. Obama press conference today. Russia... Nintendo... New York Times... Rexnord... And more! #china,#russia,#nintendo,#SuperMarioRun
My market thoughts... The stock market bounced back today but fell short of Dow 20,000. Yahoo email gets hacked… in 2013. Russia denies Russian hacking. Strong dollar... More fake news... And more! #fakenews,#russia,$FB,$YHOO
The Federal Reserve raised rates today, and made statements about the future. Stocks drop! Credit card debt booms... More fake news... Gold... Smith and Wesson... And more! #fakenews,#russia,#creditcards,$SWHC

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