Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Free Parking?

* I'm off caffeine now, for almost a week. The first attempt to quit failed, but the last one is sticking. I experienced fatigue on day one, and then day two I had light headache all day, and was a little tired. But by day 3, I think the withdrawl symptoms were gone. Since then, I've noticed an overall increase in energy. In addition, I no longer have the lunch-time lows, or the afternoon jitters. I'm sleeping much better, too.

* I guess we get to see if Detroit really wants it or not, eh?

* On a pizza: Fresh tomatoes or cooked tomatoes?

* I've had a few cups of decaf coffee, tea and soda along the way. I think this has helped the psychological aspect of quitting caffeine. I'm not a big fan of water, although ice water isn't too bad. But I still like a little flavor in whatever I'm sipping.

* The market? Well, it seemed like another market holiday today. You didn't miss anything if you slept all day. I'm still on a sell on tech/semis.

* My eyes are changing. I went to the Doc, and there was a change. That seems to happen every 5 years or so. "Scotty, more power to the contact lenses!"

* Have you watched The Closer on cable? How many CSI kind of shows do we need? It's an okay show, but how many graphic autopsies can I sit through?

* Big news on state worker parking here in Sacramento. Seems like in some areas of downtown, parking is free for 2 hours. Then the ticket cops come and write you a ticket. So, by the EPA office, state workers go out and move their car every 2 hours to avoid paying $140 per month in the nearby parking garage. It takes anywhere from 15-25 minutes to move their cars, according to the news. The news reported that the EPA response was "Employees get two 10 minute breaks per day." Uh, okay. Doin' the math on that one? Residents on those streets aren't happy about not being able to park in front of their homes, either.

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