Saturday, September 17, 2005


* Dave Wannstedt really turned that Pittsburgh Panthers franchise around, eh? GOOD GRIEF! What'd they have, about 19 returning starters from a team that lost only 3 last year? And now they're 0-3 to start 2005? NICE COACHING, DUDE!

* All this talk about high oil prices causing inflation was thrown in the dumpster this week with more benign CPI and PPI data. But you know what is inflationary? All that federal money being spent on New Orleans. Remember, inflation is caused by an increase in the money supply. And looks like with the Fed deficit spending and insurance companies paying claims, there will be a huge impact (hundreds of billions) on the economy. Of course, many will still blame oil prices. But you know better. Ignore them. Better yet, make fun of them. Make money off them.

* I decided that I had enough of the white rice and toast diet, and tempted the flu virus with a burrito tonight. So far, so good. I think I'm almost done with this darn bug.

* UC Davis beat Stanford. Whoa, Nellie. That's pretty huge.

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