Thursday, September 01, 2005

Is It Bush's Fault?

Many of the most liberal bloggers, aka "moonbats," are blaming President Bush for the New Orleans disaster. They believe he should've known something like this was possible and anticipated it. If he anticipated it, he would've had the levees around New Orleans built-up or reinforced. The moonbats often propose that this would've been a better use of money than the war in Iraq. Of course, these bloggers never mentioned the New Orleans levees prior to this week. They were too busy hating Bush for not spending the Iraq war money on Medicare, Social Security, Health Care, Education, and every long laundry list of social spending projects.

After the Hurricane Katrina, the moonbats are mad as heck Bush didn't spend the money on the levees. They're also not happy about the Bush response to the disaster. They often chide Bush for being on vacation, or whatever else he's doing.

Lets put a list together of some other things Bush should anticipate:

We should immediately start evacuating California, because if an earthquake strikes the state could be underwater. How come Bush hasn't started the evacuation yet?

Hawaii should be evacuated. It's a flippin' volcano chain and could sink into the sea. Why isn't Bush ordering the evacuation?

All cities on the Eastern Seaboard should be evacuated. You never know when another hurricane or noreaster will come in and devastate the coast. Where are the evacuation orders? Why is Bush on vacation?

You never know when a tornado will strike in the midwest; therefore, Bush should order the evacuation immediately. Anything else is pure negligence by his administration.

What about sandstorms in the desert, snowstorms in the north, and floods along the rivers? Evacuate, evacuate, and evacuate.

As a matter of fact, Bush should immediately order the evacuation of the United States. It's the responsible thing to do, if we want to anticipate all future tragedies. It's far too dangerous here.

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