- I've decided to go back to my old-fashioned posting template over w.bloggar. It's some javascript I pieced together a couple years back that includes a small-time editor, and then the ability to easily insert cartoons and captions in the blog. I like cartoons.
- Day 2 of options week tomorrow, with a Big Fed Meeting! I imagine action would be tepid in front of the announcement, as folks wait for "the text" of The Maestro's comments.
- If Alge Crumpler can get 8 points tonight (yards, TDs, whatever), I'm in the fantasy football playoffs. If not, I'll need some help to back door my way in.
- I downloaded iespell (from iespell.com) for a spell checker. Free! It lets you create a library of common words. I also use the free spell checker from the Google toolbar.
- Houston Texans look like a lock for Reggie Bush.
- Stanley Tookie Williams declined a final meal.
- Internet access is kind of expensive. Especially when you hear about all these municipalities on the verge of providing free wi-fi in certain areas. I don't think it'll be long until it's free all over. Or at least the pricing pressure is pushed down.