Microsoft and MTV announce a new music service, dubbed URGE.
==> I don't get the "subscribe to music" business model. Granted, I'm no longer a teen (or young adult), but aren't there free versions of online streaming content? Don't most cable and satellite TV packages have 20-30 music channels? I don't know if radio can compete anymore, but I'm so into podcasts these days, that I rarely have the AM/FM radio on.
No call waiting at Microsoft, as MCI and Microsoft team up to offer voice over internet through MSN at 2.3-cents per minute.
==> Isn't everybody offering some version of voice over internet these days? I chatted for awhile using the new version of Yahoo voice chat yesterday. It works really well, and quality wasn't too bad. Better than my cell phone, actually. My big question is whether or not charging money to call landlines is a viable long-term business, when landlines seem to be going the way of the brontosaurus. I realize people over a certain age may not adopt to this technology, but everybody else is using it.
XBOX 360 supplies tight through the holidays.
==> Yeah, supplies will be tight through February. Right after that, Sony will hopefully release their new Playstation 3. One interesting tidbit on the XBOX 360, is that Microsoft released 100,000 units on the debut in Japan, and sales were "tepid." This tells me that Sony is going to hit the ground running over there when they release their box.