Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday Randomosity

lakers girl vanessaThe stock market took a body blow today, at a precarious position - a double top. $$ But, it's just one day... I remain cautiously positioned in low beta stuff. On to the Randomosity...

  • Mark Hulbert writes that history bodes ill for the stock market. He's one of my favorite columnists, by the way. Anyway, some fancy-valuation model says valuations have only been this high four times previously, and none turned out that well for the bulls.

  • Global cooling?

  • Remember the Flip camera? Cisco shutting it down. It was cool when it was cool, but the technology has moved into smartphones now.

  • Consumer spending slowdown threatening economy. Well, higher energy and fuel prices, right? We're still spending on the necessities, but have to cut corners on the discretionary items.

  • I just saw an article on how to cut your fuel costs, and my eyes rolled. Yeah, carpool, ride the bus, combine your trips, etc. Don't we know this already? How about something more dramatic? Quit your job! Think how much money you'd save if you didn't have to drive back and forth to the workplace every day.

  • So we're reading about all this bullishness and over-valuation, right? Here's an article from IBD that economic optimism is near 33-month low due to high fuel prices... etc.

  • Started Week 9 of bodybuilding. Definitely noticeable, and definitely making gains. Increasing some weight on some exercises. Keeping with it. Finding it tough to cycle on days I lift weights, so need to figure out a way to do one early and one late, but DARN IT if work doesn't get in the way of best laid plans. So, prioritizing the bodybuilding even if it means I have to lay off the recumbent trike on these nice Spring days.

I know the Randomosity entries have been few and far between lately. I'm working on it!

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