Monday, February 21, 2005

Mental Tornado

* I was almost finished with an entry, and the power failed. Then when it came back up, the internet was out. Starting over. There is a tornado watch here. Freaky.

* I thought the stock market was open today for some reason. But nope. No NBA. No stocks. No nothing. Egads.

* Every winter, around February, we get a few warm days that make you think that Spring is here. Then SLAM! Winter comes back. Kind of depressing.

* So, I'm complete hungover. Yesterday started off at a buddy's house, who just got a new TV and DVD player. So I brought the beer. Cuz that's what buddies do.

* We rented The Terminal DVD. The funny thing about that, is that my buddy hadn't rented anything for a long time. And he had some late fees from some porn videos. It was funny hearing the cashier girl read off the movies. So, he won't live that one down for awhile. I just quipped "So good you had to keep 'em a few extra days, eh?"

* The Terminal was pretty good. Kind of slow. It was almost like the Tom Hanks movie where he was stranded on an island (Castaway). This time, he's stranded in an airport. No Wilson volleyball, though.

* After that, we met up with some folks at a sports bar, and that's where some serious drinking happened. We thought we'd watch the NBA All Star game, but all we did was drink. Oh, dinner was in there somewhere, too. I could barely stand up when we were ready to leave. I'm surprised we didn't end up at a strip club. But I'm glad we didn't.

* When I arrived back home, of course I fired up Yahoo Messenger and chatted for hours. I could barely type. I'm not sure if I have IM-Regret today or not. I think I kept it together ok. Who knows? Maybe Cecil can comment on that one.

* I kind of forgot what hangovers feel like. I just haven't had that much to drink for a looooong time. Egads. Pretty nasty.

* Tornado warning is over. I guess we won't be visiting Oz today, Toto.

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