Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hot N Cold Randomosity

  • Katy Perry's "Hot N Cold" (Hot and Cold) seems to describe the market from yesterday to today. Indecisive as can be.
  • Cafe Hayek has a post up about a petition against the Obama stimulus package.  Lower tax rates and a reduction in the burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost growth.
  • Curious about Sony's ($SNE) earnings?  I always look because I'm a fan of their products.  I have a PS3 that I mostly use as a blu-ray DVD player and only an occassional gaming machine.  Looks like $SNE is doing okay with their PCs, TVs and blu-ray related technology.   They lost out in their gaming strategy this go-around.
  • Crossing Wall Street has the YouTube clip up of Charlie dropping the f-bomb on CNBC.  Nice!
  • I had this nasty veggie wrap for lunch.  Sauce was just gross.  I had to get some mints to ctl-alt-del my tastebuds.  YUCK.  But now I feel short-changed on lunch, you know?
  • Free Money Finance back with some money saving tips.  Free lunch at Costco!  Between that and free happy hour at Embassy Suites (as long as nobody is checking room keys), meals are taken care of!  Check out the comments there. LOL.  "Also makes for a nice, inexpensive first date."