Nice up day in the market, but volume was a little light. New lows far outpaced new highs. If one was watching the bad news on TV, one might think the DOW is closing in on 3000. From Yahoo Finance, Action was choppy and trading volume was light this session, but stocks were able to close higher for the third straight session.
Wondering what to give up or not give up in this economy? Free Money Finance goes over a list of what others are (and are not) giving up. I was shocked to see "gym membership" at the top of what people aren't going to give up. Really?
Boy, you watching Battlestar Galactica? I'm struggling to watch it. But since this is the last season, I feel like I have to.
Financial-services giant Northern Trust Corp. is shutting down all 17 of its exchange-traded funds, a move that could point to further consolidation in the ETF business after years of frothy growth. I think that's a good thing. Remember ETF mania in 2006?
Peter Schiff was wrong! From Mish. It looks like even though Schiff got the market call right, his investment thesis centered on shorting the dollar in a hyperinflation bet, and buying foreign equities rather than shorting US equities.
Follow that more at Trading Goddes site, in Blogger Wars. Hmm, an inflationist vs. a deflationist. Whoa.
I thought the Nicolas Cage movie Bangkok Dangerous was watchable. Via Netflix, of course. The Netflix commenters didn't like it as much. I didn't know it was a remake of a 2000 title of the same name.
Add Economist Mom to your blog feed reader. From her About page, It is a place “where analytical rigor meets a mother’s intuition”–where honest math and sound economics is communicated in a way that makes common sense and is relevant to our daily lives. Okay, Diane. We'll give you a read!
iPhone app? You can follow President Obama's approval ratings with Change. Change lets users tap their support or disapproval for President Obama’s handling of a wide range of issues. The economy, war on terrorism, and other issues are part of about a dozen that are included. Better than a tax cut for the middle class, because it's free!