So, no back-to-back positive days for the stock market in May. $$ Who is glad to see May go buh-bye? - Here in CA, it’s been colder than usual. Snow pack thick enough to have ski resorts open over Memorial Day weekend. Gee, I remember when we used to go boating and camping.
- Speaking of, the New York Times plaintively ponders global warmism’s loss of credibility. We're old enough to remember the "greenhouse effect," which became "global warming," which became "climate change," which now apparently has become "climate science." Just as "retarded" was a clinical term until it developed connotations of mockery and insult, so each term for greenhouseeffectglobalwarmingclimatechangeclimatescience comes to connote dishonest alarmism--because that is what GEGWCCCS is all about.
- Ticket demand for World Cup huge.
- US considers military option in Pakistan. Gee, that ought to keep things interesting.
- You know, Rome fell from within. Just sayin’… So we, the US, are making decisions on military excursions and domestic entitlements that who knows how the hell we’re going to pay for. Well, obviously, we’re not going to pay for them in the end. The debt will continue to grow until we can no longer borrow money. Hopefully, that’s some other generation’s problem, but I wouldn’t bank on it, so to speak.
- Celtics win! Back to the Finals. Their opponent is either Phoenix or LA, and who wouldn’t like it to be LA? LOL, biased here.
- Gary Coleman dies of brain hemorrhage at 42. The diminutive Coleman, who suffered from a congenital kidney disease that halted his growth, was hospitalized Wednesday night after suffering an intracranial hemorrhage at his home in Santaquin, Utah. Media reports said he had fallen and hit his head
- Caught up on my Saturday Night Live earlier tonight. Using the FF button early and often. Slowing down on the Ke$ha performances. Just sayin’…