Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Shot At Randomosity

  • I think all tuesdays will now be Tila Tequila Tuesdays. Until something else comes along.
  • The stock market rallied on Tuesday, lifted by a drop in oil prices, several better-than-expected quarterly earnings reports, an increase in consumer confidence, and speculation that the latest capital raise from a major financial firm is a sign that the worst is over for Wall Street.  As long as the "speculators" our on OUR side, we're okay with that, right?
  • From Dr. Jeff, Government, Crises, and Time Frames.  Ah, brings to mind the quote from President Ronald Reagan, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
  • In Sacramento, they're placing a measure on the November ballot to raise the sales tax to "wipe out gangs."  Good luck with that one.
  • Adam Warner on Amanda Drury, the VIX, and Dingos.
  • 5.4 earthquake jolts Los Angeles.
  • Picking winning lottery numbers:  If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it!  Even Tila Tequila!
  • Why not place a measure on the November ballot to "make everyone filthy stinkin' rich?" 
  • I read the folks at Financial Sense to just to see what the doomsayers are up to.  This week's column from Dr. Pete compares Obama to a poker player, and McCain to a craps player.
  • I don't think any of us really believe the price of oil will continue to drop.   Which is probably why it has.  The ultimate contrarian play, the one nobody believes is possible.
  • Well, there have been more bottom calls in this market than at SoCal beaches the past few months.  Which proves that people may have lost their focus.  Anyways, today was a strong day and it'll be interesting to see how tomorrow plays out with more economic numbers hitting.  We're also about to enter the so-called "monthly strength" period where 401(k) dollars are averaged into mutual funds. 
  • I wonder if Tila Tequila is a dollar-cost average girl, or does she trade the MACD crossovers?  Maybe she trades her own proprietary black box system.  Did I really say that?