The stock market has had a horrible year. No way to sugar coat it. There really hasn't been much good news. But why focus on the negative? It's not healthy!
The last few days of the year are always a point of reflection on the year past. I don't much like the "best of" lists, but plenty of them are out now. I'm just going to put one on my list: Michael Phelps (not pictured).
I think we should look back and reflect on the success of Michael Phelps. What a performance at the Summer Olympics in China. Outstanding. He is an example that we should all strive for. Hard work and dedication is required to excel at whatever you do.
Work has finaly let up for me here at the Fun Factory. It's been a hectic few weeks wrapping up a year-end project. Implementation is happening now, and I'm sure there will be some issues to deal with over the next few days. Always something.
I'm taking off early to watch some bowl games and drink a few Coronas. Quite a few.
I hope you put an exclamation mark at the end of 2008 and have a very happy New Year's Eve. You've earned it. Enjoy!