Stocks finished higher today. Yahoo Finances seems stuck on the idea that the market is moving on auto bailout gyrations. I don't think it's all that. It wasn't financials today as much as energy and basic materials.
Still battling the cold, but feeling better.
GOP's Republican Senators may oppose auto bailout. "People realize that this bill is an incredibly weak bill, (and) is the product of an administration that wants to kick the can down the road and let somebody else deal with it," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.
Oh, this is nice: Pay raise for district court judges tucked into $14 billion automaker bailout plan. Thank you, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. The raise -- labeled a cost of living adjustment -- would bring U.S. District court judges up to par with members of Congress, who will receive an almost $5,000 boost on Jan. 1. District judges and lawmakers now earn $169,300 a year but are expected to be awarded a 2.8 percent raise next year, said Dick Carelli, a spokesman for the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger warns of "financial armageddon" in California. "I'm frustrated," he said. "We have a system where we rely on the 120 legislators to make those decisions. I cannot make them stay here, I cannot lock them into the building, I don't have those kinds of powers. "Believe me, I would do it otherwise."
Trouble in the Apple App Store. Seems like the bulk of the apps purchased are in the 99-cent to free range, as folks don't want to spend money on apps. So companies producing apps are having trouble funding their development. I have to admit, I only have a few paid apps and tons of free apps. Once folks are used to free or 99-cents, everything else looks like a fortune.
"$2.99? Are you kidding me? What does that app do, mint gold?"