Thursday, August 11, 2005


* I had a dream last night. I was on a date, and we were out to dinner, and I saw a familiar face. I couldn't quite place it immediately. It was familiar, but maybe a face from a long time ago. After careful reflection, I realized that this person was my 6th-grade teacher.

* When I was in 6th-grade, all the boys had a crush on the teacher.

* Have you been following the story of this Cindy Sheehan goofball? Or "moonbat" as Michelle Malkin would say?

* Larry Kudlow ("KLo") has a Market Wrap up. Like I said in a previous blog, see how easy it is to do that in hindsight? Everybody can be a stock market genious in hindsight.

* In the dream, my 6th-grade teacher recognized me immediately, and remembered my name. She asked what I was doing now, and I detailed my academic and professional career. Meanwhile, while I was talking, I was trying to remember her name. Couldn't do it. Name escaped me. Which is odd, because the subconscious usually remembers.

* My 6th-grade teacher scolded me often. I never had detention, but I was forever running laps around the school. "Muckdog, take 2 laps" she'd bark at me. The other punishment was trash pick-up around school grounds during recess. Bleh. I got in trouble one time during that, because I walked over to the 7-11 and got a slurpee.

* I mixed my slurpees as a kid. Half coke, half whatever else was the flavor of the week. I always hated that round ball of ice that you were leftover with at the bottom of the slurpee cup. Oh, and the flimsy straws always broke. Geez.

* The Rolling Stones have a new song, Sweet Neo Con, that supposedly bashes the Bush administration. Jagger denies the allegation. Maybe Air America has some new bumper music now.

* By this time in the dream, the date had moved on from dinner to my old Elementary school. My 6th-grade teacher said that it was nice catching up with each other, and that she was going back to teach her class. She had a room full of kids waiting. When I looked in the classroom, there was my date! She was sitting in there, waiting.

* Michelle Malkin was on Fox two nights ago talking about Sheehan. O'Reilly's show. I just watched the clip on the net. Oh, she has the transcript up on her website. I think it's better with the video, Michelle. Hubba hubba.

* As the dream continued, I poked my head into the classroom and said to my date, "Hey, are you ready? Lets get going." And my date replied, "This is interesting. I want to stay in here for awhile." Then, I woke up.

* In the shower this morning, it clicked. I remembered the name of my 6th-grade teacher.

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