Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Night Shift

Strings help, m'dog.


* I took a long weekend and came in this morning to a firestorm of questions.  Twelve balls in the air, and I was a little foggy on the specifics.  Took most of the day to remember who was working on what and to catch up on the goings-on.  Geez.  I need more than a string around my finger.  12 strings.  With notes.

* Summer always feels like it's winding down when the fresh strawberries are gone.

* Greenspan jacked 'em up another .25%.  Looks like the economy is chugging along, and he's trying to keep it from overheating.  Where will he stop?  That's the guessing game du jour.

* The market did well, but almost yonked into the close.  If I had to guess for an SP500 correction level?  That's a tough game to play.  I prefer to wait for a correction, a rally and then a retest of the correction lows.  That is somewhat easier.  Uh, somewhat.

* I'm not quite that excited by the battle of the reality titans in Donald Trump vs. Martha Stewart.  I'll probably watch them both.

* Looks like Europe is trying to appease Iran.  Iran seems to be laughing it off.

* See this Korean guy who died after playing video games for 50 hours?

* Vegetarians need more B12, study says.  According to the study,  "Vegetarians are advised to eat more meat."  (It doesn't really say that.)

* I'm not a fan of the Black Eyed Peas.  I don't get it.

* A rare night time post.  Stayin' up late on the West Coast!  (I'll pay the price early.)

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