Friday, August 05, 2005

Quick HIts

* As the stock market month strength ended yesterday, we've had 2 down days. Again, August isn't usually a very good month. I'm looking for a pullback, move up, and then a retest of the pullback. Nothing too dramatic. That's when I'll probably increase my stock risk again, moving from index funds to something with more volatility. Patience. One thing, though? The put-call ratio is showing lots of pessimism. And the bears have been SO WRONG about this market.

* It's been so hot here. I don't know how many days over 100 there have been, but it seems like most of them for the last 30+ days or longer. It probably won't cool off until Halloween. I think God plans it that way, so that the bite-sized Snickers don't melt.

* I threw off the veggie shackles at lunch, and had 3 chicken tacos.

* I went to the AC/DC website looking for when the new CD will be released, and haven't found much to go on. The message board has an interview with singer Brian Johnson from a few months ago that says they're working on a bunch of songs and a new CD is coming. I'm trying to keep a stiff upper lip about it.

* Diet Squirt is caffeine free. "Citrus Burst" is pretty good.

* New jobs? 207K new jobs isn't a gonzo number, but the unemployment rate is at 5% (full employment) and we are in a tight labor market. I like to see the moving average to be between 150,000-200,000. We're still in there.

* "I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show" - The Kinks, Celluloid Heros.

* Las Vegas is going to host the 2007 NBA All-Star game.

* I don't know about you, but when it comes to Certs, Tic Tacs, or any such mint candies, I can't ever stop at just one. I always end up crunching them instead of just letting them disolve, too.

* Not much noise lately about high oil prices. It seemed like whenever gas prices went up, the TV News crews were at the pumps asking folks if they liked higher prices or disliked higher prices. (duh). But not lately. No mention.

* When was the last time you had Hot Tamales? (Uh, today!)

* When job growth exceeds 200K month after month, it tends to tighten the labor market and drive up wages. A few months of numbers like these, and there is no doubt the inflation hawks will want to raise interest rates and that would bring on the fears of the next down cycle in the economy. Maybe that's why bonds freaked, huh?

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