Thursday, October 06, 2005

This Market!

* Did you watch "Lost" last night? I don't think I'd have pressed the Execute button. I doubt the world ends. And if you don't press the button, maybe somebody at another station is alerted that something is wrong at Swan Station, and that leads to a rescue. Of course, that'd also lead to a short TV series, so Gilligan pressed the button...

* Remember Constantine Maroulis from American Idol? He's got a CD out called Killer Queen. Of course, he sings Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." It'll be interesting to see how he does compared to the others from last year.

* Swim little piggies, swim!

* The stock market? Well, I did get a buy signal in SMH. Generally, my indicators give a buy or sell signal happens within a week of the top/bottom. SMH tends to lead the Nasdaq 100 and SP500. So are we within a week of a low? Emotionally, it doesn't feel like it, does it? But, I am going to start legging into some more aggressive positions. Of course, this isn't a recommendation. Sometimes my buy and sell signals are wrong. Some folks are predicting that we're in a new bear market, dropping 1000 points on the DOW, etc. Some are predicting SP500 1300. You can find whatever opinion out there that you're looking for, you know.

* Miss Havisham Democrats! Does this describe the folks who are still arguing about the election results in Florida 2000 or Ohio 2004? Like the dolumn says, I still see a lot of Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers, too.

* Whenever you feel overwhelmed by a problem, remember to break it up into small bites. If you try to take it on all at once, something like this can happen where a python tries to eat an alligator whole. Pic!

* According to the LA Times, it's inflation worries hitting Wall Street. The Times says economists are attributing this to rising energy costs. Of course, as you know from reading The Learning Curve, higher energy prices are not inflationary. They're contractionary. If the Fed is worried about inflation, they're probably looking at the seemingly unending deficit spending by the Federal government. Especially post-Katrina, where who knows how many hundreds of billions will be air-dropped on the US economy. Also, inflation created from leaving interest rates too low for too long, and creating the Housing ATM card that folks have been using to pile up debt, and spend like crazy.

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