Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Quick Hits

* The market rallies strong on the election resolution for Bush. Yet, late in the day it was like it ran out of gas. I wonder if we'll get a little pullback here? The test would then be if there is a bunch of money waiting on the sidelines to pounce on a 2nd chance at a year end run.

* Scientists Close in on Source of Cosmic Rays Hmm, I bet President Bush might say... "Don't they come from Cosmics?"

* Interesting relationship between oil and technology stocks. I'll put up a graph (and more of those in the future).

* So, what will a 2nd-term Bush administration do? Reform tax code? Strengthen Social Security? Wrap up the effort in Iraq? Appoint new Supreme Court justices?

* Any Democrats out there planning on moving to Canada? Canada says there's a waiting list. Takes about a year.

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