Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Tuesday Quick Hits

* Lots of discussion on Ron Artest et al around the radio dial. At least now he can spend some time promoting his new CD.

* That's all she wrote for Dan Rather. Kind of a flame-out ending to a long career.

* Movie reviews with a bite of satire! Great site. Having just watched the "13 Going on 30" DVD, I thought the review was hillarious. I liked the movie, FWIW.

* So the market found a bid. Surprise, surprise, Sgt. Carter. Now, just gotta hope for some good old historical reliability on two low-volume trading days. We shall see. I'd like a rally with my pumpkin pie, please!

* I wonder what Michael Moore is doing today?

* It's kind of nice to see politics take a back seat. It gets a little time consuming following all the blather around the elections. Now, back to the real world.

* I wonder if someone will be taking Donald Trump to the boardroom for his roll as project manager of the Taj Mahal casino? At least he has The Apprentice to fall back on...

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